Keep Australia Beautiful

A commission by The Shire of Capel and Keep Australia Beautiful WA to create 5 light-hearted public service educational videos.

The aim was to to light-heartedly encourage public buy-in to improve public littering behaviour using the highly accessible and non-verbal artforms of mime, circus and comedy as a fun way to 'Get Your Act Together.’

Starting with a list of undesirable local litter behaviours, as identified by The Shire of Capel, we devised, costumed and performed five sketches which were filmed in Capel’s Youth Precinct alongside a student production team on a one-day shoot.

Our first consultancy as a company, we also bought in one of our young circus students to create the mime artist trio, and to give her professional work experience on a local project.

We worked with local artist Susanna Ingham to perfect our make-up and styling and who was also our animal wrangler for the fantastic Border Collie Dodo, an intrinsic part of delivering the littering message with one of the sketches!

‘Thank you Michele for all the preparation you put in, for being the driver of the team and for a lovely day of work, creativity and laughter.’

Lesley Jackson, Shire of Capel

View all 5 videos of the series on Keep Australia Beautiful WA here

  • "My daughter is coming such a long way. It was a joy watching them all expressing and moving themselves with joy."

    Kerry Latham, Circus Kids Mum