Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Training student cast members how to fall safely through a main stage trap door for Bunbury Catholic College’s production of ‘Charlie and The Chocolate Factory.’

We trained student cast members to safely somersault, slide and disappear through a traditional stage trap door onto mats below while supporting each other as a troupe, adding a little acrobatic magic to the on-stage disappearances of Augustus Gloop and Verruca Salt.

Three trap door sequences were devised in just one 2 hour on-stage rehearsal with the students as we had a clear brief and students already had a high level of stage awareness, physical literacy and experience in supporting each other working as a team for previous school productions.

“Thanks to Head Over Heels for their assistance in consulting with our production team and training our students as part of a performance of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Isaac and Michele were pivotal in allowing our students to safely carry out acrobatic stunts to enhance our performance. They were able to implement our vision of having students appear to fall through the trapdoor of our stage into the pit below.

Michele and Isaac planned stunts and then taught students with the utmost attention to safety. They worked well with our production team and made the whole process enjoyable for all.”

Gerard Robertson – Bunbury Catholic College

  • "My daughter is coming such a long way. It was a joy watching them all expressing and moving themselves with joy."

    Kerry Latham, Circus Kids Mum